Rules & Regulation For Online Class of Pramila Memorial Advanced School

  • Students must enter the classes on time.
  • Students must attend the classes in full school uniforms.
  • Students must enter the classes with their own names as recorded in the school register.
  • Students must sit with the books, exercise books according to the timetable. They must also keep their school diaries with them during the classes.
  • Students must keep their cameras on during the classes.
  • Students must keep themselves muted unless they are asked to unmute themselves by the teachers or they have a query during the classes.
  • Students must not use the chat box unnecessarily unless they are asked to use it by the teachers.
  • Attendance is mandatory. If a child is absent from any class, the child must write an absent note to the class teacher in his/her personal whatsapp number mentioning the class and subject and clearly stating the reason for his/her absence.
  • Students must maintain a proper code of conduct for a smooth functioning of the classes.

  • Looking forward to your support and cooperation. All the best. Thank you.